This was an illustration created for my Dad's 75th Birthday. An avid gun collector, it seemed appropriate to incorporate (somehow) his favorite hobby. There's 75 hearts, by the way.
These are two in a series of experimental posters. Used same handful of family photos, documents and family tree drawings and attempted to create different visual narratives. Big Robert Rauschenberg, if it's not too obvious.
This was developed while I was with Quad/Creative. In an effort to maintain their great safety record and continually keep safety on everyone's mind, we were asked to develop the STAY SAFE program. The program included posters, handouts, incentive cards, banners and wall displays. The consistent graphic through the program were the bold orange diagonal lines that is associated with safety.
Each year, in addition to the wine labels that I make for Eno Wines we make give away posters with that year's theme.The theme for 2004 was a charmingly dysfunctional family - something everyone can relate to. These are the wine labels and posters.
This is from way back. The AIGA in San Francisco asked me to help out with this lecture series. Talk 2000 was a series of talks developed to inspire designers and for those attending to spread what they've learned with the greater design community. The most obvious analogies proved to be the best ones. Bees to the hive. Blood cells to the heart.
Good design tells a good story. And we love a good story.Whether it's through a branded experience or personal environment, our method still applies – understand your need, find the story and tell it in an approachable and compelling manner.